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termites: equipment rod and rig like professionals

We do not sell the sprayer attachments because it actually requires a 50 to 100 gallon gas powered rig, and then you need a rod set that is about $400.00.  Altogether with the rig  you are looking at around $1500 to match a termite companies set up….not really worth it for a homeowner to invest in that for a one time treatment.  Most companies including ours in Georgia, actually do dig a trench because it is better than rodding every 12 inches.  The trench is only 6 inches deep and is the preferred method of applying the termiticide, it says so right on the product instructions. You can use a 5 gallon bucket to apply the 4 gallons per 10 lineal feet as outlined in our How To Do A Termite Treatment article:

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